
Trains, trains, trains

Home / Latest Photos / June 28, 2006 - Fulton St, Chambers St, Brooklyn Bridge, GCT /

Chambers Street (J/M/Z) - north mezzanine. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.

DSC_3726.jpg R-142A 7631 @ Brooklyn Bridge (6) - front of the northbound platform (looking south). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.ThumbnailsChambers Street (J/M/Z) - front of the northbound platform (looking south and west at the center platform). Photo taken by BrianR-142A 7631 @ Brooklyn Bridge (6) - front of the northbound platform (looking south). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.ThumbnailsChambers Street (J/M/Z) - front of the northbound platform (looking south and west at the center platform). Photo taken by BrianR-142A 7631 @ Brooklyn Bridge (6) - front of the northbound platform (looking south). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.ThumbnailsChambers Street (J/M/Z) - front of the northbound platform (looking south and west at the center platform). Photo taken by BrianR-142A 7631 @ Brooklyn Bridge (6) - front of the northbound platform (looking south). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.ThumbnailsChambers Street (J/M/Z) - front of the northbound platform (looking south and west at the center platform). Photo taken by BrianR-142A 7631 @ Brooklyn Bridge (6) - front of the northbound platform (looking south). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.ThumbnailsChambers Street (J/M/Z) - front of the northbound platform (looking south and west at the center platform). Photo taken by BrianR-142A 7631 @ Brooklyn Bridge (6) - front of the northbound platform (looking south). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.ThumbnailsChambers Street (J/M/Z) - front of the northbound platform (looking south and west at the center platform). Photo taken by Brian

Chambers Street (J/M/Z) - north mezzanine. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006. - Chambers Street (J/M/Z) - north mezzanine. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/28/2006.