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31 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.

DSC_7328fa.jpg R-62A @ 168 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.ThumbnailsMTA NYCT "New York City Bus" Orion V 468 @ 231 St (Bx10). Note messed up rear sign. And the side sign was completely oR-62A @ 168 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.ThumbnailsMTA NYCT "New York City Bus" Orion V 468 @ 231 St (Bx10). Note messed up rear sign. And the side sign was completely oR-62A @ 168 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.ThumbnailsMTA NYCT "New York City Bus" Orion V 468 @ 231 St (Bx10). Note messed up rear sign. And the side sign was completely oR-62A @ 168 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.ThumbnailsMTA NYCT "New York City Bus" Orion V 468 @ 231 St (Bx10). Note messed up rear sign. And the side sign was completely oR-62A @ 168 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.ThumbnailsMTA NYCT "New York City Bus" Orion V 468 @ 231 St (Bx10). Note messed up rear sign. And the side sign was completely oR-62A @ 168 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.ThumbnailsMTA NYCT "New York City Bus" Orion V 468 @ 231 St (Bx10). Note messed up rear sign. And the side sign was completely o

31 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 11/21/2007.