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Home / Latest Photos / February 22, 2004 - Resumption of Full Service over the Manhattan Bridge /

#4 Sea Beach Fred points out how his line has gone to sh*t

IMG_8823.jpg IMG_8822ThumbnailsFirst N train over the bridge on the southbound leg of its last non-bridge tripIMG_8822ThumbnailsFirst N train over the bridge on the southbound leg of its last non-bridge tripIMG_8822ThumbnailsFirst N train over the bridge on the southbound leg of its last non-bridge tripIMG_8822ThumbnailsFirst N train over the bridge on the southbound leg of its last non-bridge tripIMG_8822ThumbnailsFirst N train over the bridge on the southbound leg of its last non-bridge trip

#4 Sea Beach Fred points out how his line has gone to sh*t