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Harrington Avenue in River Vale. Rockland Coaches Route 84, southbound. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/09/2003.

IMG_1505.jpg Rockland Coaches MCI D4000 #8840 on Route 84 @ Harrington Park. MDT route29 9037 is in the front left seat, and Trevor is in theThumbnailsRockland Coaches MCI D4000 #8840 on Route 84 @ Harrington Park. MDT route29 9037 is in the front left seat, and Trevor is in theThumbnailsRockland Coaches MCI D4000 #8840 on Route 84 @ Harrington Park. MDT route29 9037 is in the front left seat, and Trevor is in theThumbnailsRockland Coaches MCI D4000 #8840 on Route 84 @ Harrington Park. MDT route29 9037 is in the front left seat, and Trevor is in theThumbnailsRockland Coaches MCI D4000 #8840 on Route 84 @ Harrington Park. MDT route29 9037 is in the front left seat, and Trevor is in theThumbnailsRockland Coaches MCI D4000 #8840 on Route 84 @ Harrington Park. MDT route29 9037 is in the front left seat, and Trevor is in theThumbnails

Harrington Avenue in River Vale. Rockland Coaches Route 84, southbound. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/09/2003.