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2010-12-29 09.00.04a.jpg

2010-12-29 09_00_04a.jpg IMG_1845.JPGThumbnailsSDC10166IMG_1845.JPGThumbnailsSDC10166IMG_1845.JPGThumbnailsSDC10166IMG_1845.JPGThumbnailsSDC10166IMG_1845.JPGThumbnailsSDC10166IMG_1845.JPGThumbnailsSDC10166

Orion I 8856 @ 8th Avenue (B&H Express Service). - Orion I 8856 @ 8th Avenue (B&H Express Service). One of two or more Orion I buses that are still in the Pace livery that run express service from Borough Park, Brooklyn to B&H Photo and Video in Manhattan and to the Manhattan Diamond District.