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R-143 8200 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.

PDRM2202.jpg R-143 8200 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.ThumbnailsR-143 8199 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.R-143 8200 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.ThumbnailsR-143 8199 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.R-143 8200 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.ThumbnailsR-143 8199 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.R-143 8200 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.ThumbnailsR-143 8199 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.R-143 8200 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.ThumbnailsR-143 8199 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.

R-143 8200 @ Livonia Av (L). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 02/17/2003. This was the Presidents Day Blizzard of 2003.