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The Gates @ the on-ramp to the 97 St Transverse on the west side.

IMG_2830.jpg R-62A @ 231 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2/21/05.ThumbnailsMuseum trains IN DA HOUSE! SMEE's in the back row and a Lo-V and a steeplecab in front of them. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2R-62A @ 231 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2/21/05.ThumbnailsMuseum trains IN DA HOUSE! SMEE's in the back row and a Lo-V and a steeplecab in front of them. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2R-62A @ 231 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2/21/05.ThumbnailsMuseum trains IN DA HOUSE! SMEE's in the back row and a Lo-V and a steeplecab in front of them. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2R-62A @ 231 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2/21/05.ThumbnailsMuseum trains IN DA HOUSE! SMEE's in the back row and a Lo-V and a steeplecab in front of them. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2R-62A @ 231 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2/21/05.ThumbnailsMuseum trains IN DA HOUSE! SMEE's in the back row and a Lo-V and a steeplecab in front of them. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2R-62A @ 231 St (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2/21/05.ThumbnailsMuseum trains IN DA HOUSE! SMEE's in the back row and a Lo-V and a steeplecab in front of them. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 2

The Gates @ the on-ramp to the 97 St Transverse on the west side.