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Home / Latest Photos / September 11, 2005 - R-142s to South Ferry /

Possible chemical or biological weapons sniffing device (just a sensationalistic guess) @ South Ferry (1). Photo taken by Brian

IMG_4202.jpg R-142 6370 @ South Ferry (2) but signed as a (1) [G.O. had only 2 and 5 trains stopping at South Ferry]. Photo taken by Brian WeThumbnailsR-142 6370 @ South Ferry (2) but signed as a (1) [G.O. had only 2 and 5 trains stopping at South Ferry]. Photo taken by Brian WeThumbnailsR-142 6370 @ South Ferry (2) but signed as a (1) [G.O. had only 2 and 5 trains stopping at South Ferry]. Photo taken by Brian WeThumbnailsR-142 6370 @ South Ferry (2) but signed as a (1) [G.O. had only 2 and 5 trains stopping at South Ferry]. Photo taken by Brian WeThumbnailsR-142 6370 @ South Ferry (2) but signed as a (1) [G.O. had only 2 and 5 trains stopping at South Ferry]. Photo taken by Brian WeThumbnailsR-142 6370 @ South Ferry (2) but signed as a (1) [G.O. had only 2 and 5 trains stopping at South Ferry]. Photo taken by Brian WeThumbnails

Possible chemical or biological weapons sniffing device (just a sensationalistic guess) @ South Ferry (1). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 9/11/2005.