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DCP_1138 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.

DCP_1138.jpg DCP_1141 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.ThumbnailsDCP_1139 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.DCP_1141 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.ThumbnailsDCP_1139 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.DCP_1141 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.ThumbnailsDCP_1139 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.

DCP_1138 - Night of the Manhattan Bridge changeover. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 07/22/2001.