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If you swipe a non-AirTrain Unlimited MetroCard you get a red "NO GO" screen.

IMG_7372.jpg An already out of date subway wall map @ Howard Beach still showing the no longer existing free Port Authority shuttle bus.ThumbnailsAirTrain customers who have come off the (A) @ Howard Beach are waiting to buy PPR's to pay the $5 AirTrain fare.An already out of date subway wall map @ Howard Beach still showing the no longer existing free Port Authority shuttle bus.ThumbnailsAirTrain customers who have come off the (A) @ Howard Beach are waiting to buy PPR's to pay the $5 AirTrain fare.An already out of date subway wall map @ Howard Beach still showing the no longer existing free Port Authority shuttle bus.ThumbnailsAirTrain customers who have come off the (A) @ Howard Beach are waiting to buy PPR's to pay the $5 AirTrain fare.An already out of date subway wall map @ Howard Beach still showing the no longer existing free Port Authority shuttle bus.ThumbnailsAirTrain customers who have come off the (A) @ Howard Beach are waiting to buy PPR's to pay the $5 AirTrain fare.An already out of date subway wall map @ Howard Beach still showing the no longer existing free Port Authority shuttle bus.ThumbnailsAirTrain customers who have come off the (A) @ Howard Beach are waiting to buy PPR's to pay the $5 AirTrain fare.

If you swipe a non-AirTrain Unlimited MetroCard you get a red "NO GO" screen.