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8/24/2003 - AMUE MOD Trip - IMG_4314 - Henry R32 #3730, New Look Terripan, DTrain22, NJCoastExp, Boriqua, Chapter 11 Choo Choo,

IMG_4314.jpg Parsons to Parsons MOD Trip. 11/9/2003ThumbnailsThe usual suspects @ Norristown Transportation Center (R6). Clockwise from upper left: DTrain22, R30, chuchubob, High St / BrookParsons to Parsons MOD Trip. 11/9/2003ThumbnailsThe usual suspects @ Norristown Transportation Center (R6). Clockwise from upper left: DTrain22, R30, chuchubob, High St / BrookParsons to Parsons MOD Trip. 11/9/2003ThumbnailsThe usual suspects @ Norristown Transportation Center (R6). Clockwise from upper left: DTrain22, R30, chuchubob, High St / BrookParsons to Parsons MOD Trip. 11/9/2003ThumbnailsThe usual suspects @ Norristown Transportation Center (R6). Clockwise from upper left: DTrain22, R30, chuchubob, High St / BrookParsons to Parsons MOD Trip. 11/9/2003ThumbnailsThe usual suspects @ Norristown Transportation Center (R6). Clockwise from upper left: DTrain22, R30, chuchubob, High St / BrookParsons to Parsons MOD Trip. 11/9/2003ThumbnailsThe usual suspects @ Norristown Transportation Center (R6). Clockwise from upper left: DTrain22, R30, chuchubob, High St / Brook

8/24/2003 - AMUE MOD Trip - IMG_4314 - Henry R32 #3730, New Look Terripan, DTrain22, NJCoastExp, Boriqua, Chapter 11 Choo Choo, Mark W. (conductor), R30, Oz12, David J. Greenberger, Koi-PublicTransitIsMyLifeline, R33 8840