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Home / Latest Photos / March 24, 2004 - R-40 with rubber seals /

Interior of R-40 4253 @ 59 St-Columbus Circle (B). Note the rubber seal around the storm door window and the lack of a metal fra

IMG_9446.jpg ThumbnailsInterior of R-40 4253 @ 59 St-Columbus Circle (B). Note the rubber seal around the storm door window and the lack of a metal fraThumbnailsInterior of R-40 4253 @ 59 St-Columbus Circle (B). Note the rubber seal around the storm door window and the lack of a metal fraThumbnailsInterior of R-40 4253 @ 59 St-Columbus Circle (B). Note the rubber seal around the storm door window and the lack of a metal fraThumbnailsInterior of R-40 4253 @ 59 St-Columbus Circle (B). Note the rubber seal around the storm door window and the lack of a metal fra

Interior of R-40 4253 @ 59 St-Columbus Circle (B). Note the rubber seal around the storm door window and the lack of a metal frame. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 3/24/2004.