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R-62A 1954 @ 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). This is the last train of R-62A singles on the (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/

IMG_0392_R_62A_1954.jpg Exiting the portal south of 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/2004.ThumbnailsR-62A 1954 @ 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). This is the last train of R-62A singles on the (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/Exiting the portal south of 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/2004.ThumbnailsR-62A 1954 @ 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). This is the last train of R-62A singles on the (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/Exiting the portal south of 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/2004.ThumbnailsR-62A 1954 @ 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). This is the last train of R-62A singles on the (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/Exiting the portal south of 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/2004.ThumbnailsR-62A 1954 @ 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). This is the last train of R-62A singles on the (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/Exiting the portal south of 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/2004.ThumbnailsR-62A 1954 @ 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). This is the last train of R-62A singles on the (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/

R-62A 1954 @ 148 St-Lenox Terminal (3). This is the last train of R-62A singles on the (3). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/17/2004.