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R-68A @ Broadway (N). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/23/2004.

IMG_0010a.jpg R-40 @ Broadway (W). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/23/2004.ThumbnailsThe only 6 track elevated structure in the system - located between the Brighton Beach and Ocean Parkway stations on the BrightoR-40 @ Broadway (W). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/23/2004.ThumbnailsThe only 6 track elevated structure in the system - located between the Brighton Beach and Ocean Parkway stations on the BrightoR-40 @ Broadway (W). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/23/2004.ThumbnailsThe only 6 track elevated structure in the system - located between the Brighton Beach and Ocean Parkway stations on the BrightoR-40 @ Broadway (W). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/23/2004.ThumbnailsThe only 6 track elevated structure in the system - located between the Brighton Beach and Ocean Parkway stations on the BrightoR-40 @ Broadway (W). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/23/2004.ThumbnailsThe only 6 track elevated structure in the system - located between the Brighton Beach and Ocean Parkway stations on the Brighto

R-68A @ Broadway (N). Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 6/23/2004.