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Home / Latest Photos / September 21, 2003 - Branford Trolley Museum /

Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)

IMG_5622.jpg IMG_5626ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)IMG_5626ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)IMG_5626ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)IMG_5626ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)IMG_5626ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)IMG_5626ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)

Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)