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Home / Latest Photos / September 21, 2003 - Branford Trolley Museum /

Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)

IMG_5623.jpg Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)
Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)
Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)
Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)
Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)ThumbnailsSteve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)

Steve the Tunnel Rat (L) and Jeffrey Rosen (R)