
Trains, trains, trains

News Release National Railroad Passenger Corporation 60 Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002 www.amtrak.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ATK-08-076 Contacts: Media Relations (212) 630-6933 October 10, 2008 Empire Service to be Affected by Metro-North Railroad Switch Replacement Work October 18-19 and 25-26 NEW YORK - On two successive weekends beginning Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 18, and 19 and continuing on Saturday and Sunday Oct. 25 and 26, 2008, Amtrak's Empire Service between New York, Albany and points to the north and west of Albany will be altered so that scheduled track switch replacement work can be carried out by Metro North Railroad. Weekday service will not be affected. Adjustments to Affect New York-Albany North and West Only All service adjustments will affect Amtrak trains operating north of New York toward Albany and will not affect the Washington-New York-Boston service, including Northeast Regional and Acela Express service, which remains unchanged. Amtrak Provides Shuttle between Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station All Empire Service and Ethan Allen Express passengers will be provided with alternate bus service between New York Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal. Some trains will terminate and originate at Grand Central Terminal while others will terminate and originate at Croton-Harmon, (with Metro-North connections between Croton and Grand Central Terminal.) Some Trains Operate on Altered Schedules While no weekend Amtrak Empire Service trains are canceled during the disruption, some trains will have altered departure and arrival times at Penn Station. All Amtrak passengers utilizing Amtrak Empire Service during the weekend outages will be offered either train service or dedicated connecting bus service to and from Penn Station. Some connections at Penn Station with Northeast Corridor trains will be broken due to the altered schedules. Some delays may be expected during the altered weekend scheduling. Some Amtrak trains will depart from Grand Central Terminal (GCT), and passengers electing to initiate their Amtrak trip at GCT will need to obtain Amtrak tickets in advance, since no Amtrak ticket sales will be available at GCT. Maple Leaf, Adirondack, and Lake Shore Limited trains will operate directly to and from New York Penn Station during the weekend outages. Some of these trains' departures times will be altered. Amtrak regrets any inconvenience. Passengers are encouraged to call 800-USA-RAIL or visit Amtrak.com for schedule information and train status updates.