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- MNCR ACMU @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- Spuyten Duyvil bridge in the open position. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR M-7a @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR M-7a @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- Amtrak P32AC-DM leading an Empire Service train out of Manhattan over the Spuyten Duyvil bridge. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg,
- MNCR P32AC-DM 201 @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR ACMU & P32AC-DM 224 @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR Shoreliner Cab 6307 @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR P32AC-DM 211 @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR P32AC-DM 204 @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR M-1a @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR M-3a @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR M-3a @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR P32AC-DM 213 @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.
- MNCR Shoreliner Cab 6314 @ Spuyten Duyvil. Photo taken by Brian Weinberg, 5/14/2004.